> 文章列表 > 元宵节的英文怎么写





Originating from the Western Han Dynasty, Lantern Festival is celebrated on the fifteenth day of the first month in the lunar calendar. To express this in English, we can translate it as \"Lantern Festival\".

The Lantern Festival, an important traditional Chinese festival, has a history of more than 2,000 years. It marks the end of the Chinese New Year celebrations. During this festive occasion, people gather to view beautifully decorated lanterns, eat sweet dumplings, set off firecrackers, and solve lantern riddles. It is a time of joy, reunion, and cultural significance.


When it comes to the vocabulary related to the Spring Festival and Lantern Festival, here are some useful words:

  • Spring Festival: 春节 (chūn jié)
  • Lunar calendar: 农历 (nóng lì)
  • Lunar January: 正月 (zhēng yuè)
  • Lantern show: 闹花灯 (nào huā dēng)
  • Setting off firecrackers: 放鞭炮 (fàng biān pào)
  • Guessing lantern riddles: 猜灯谜 (cāi dēng mí)

These words capture the essence of the Lantern Festival and its various customs.


In English, \"元宵\" can be translated as \"rice glue ball\" or \"glue pudding\". \"元宵节\" can be translated as \"The Lantern Festival\". Therefore, you can refer to \"元宵\" as \"glutinous rice ball\" and \"元宵节\" as \"The Lantern Festival\". If it has red bean paste filling, it is called \"Glutinous Rice Ball With Red Bean Paste\".


Let\'s have a look at some English words related to festivals:

  • New Year\'s Day: 元旦
  • The Spring Festival: 春节
  • The Lantern Festival: 元宵节
  • International Working Women\'s Day: 国际劳动妇女节
  • Arbor Day: 植树节

These words provide a comprehensive list of major festivals in both China and the world.


Here are some English translations for words related to Spring Festival and Lantern Festival:

  • Setting off firecrackers: 点燃鞭炮 (diǎn​rán​ biān​pào​)
  • Eating dumplings: 吃饺子 (chī​ jiǎo​zi​)
  • Riddle solving: 解猜灯谜 (jiě cāi​ dēng​mí​)

These translations accurately capture the meaning of these customs during the festivals.


The Lantern Festival, celebrated every year on the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, is an important festival for Chinese people. It holds great significance as it falls right after the Spring Festival.

During the Lantern Festival, streets and public places are adorned with colorful lanterns, creating a mesmerizing view. People come together to appreciate these lantern displays, enjoy delicious sweet dumplings, and engage in various activities such as solving lantern riddles.

The festival is filled with joy, symbolizing the end of the Chinese New Year celebrations and the beginning of a new chapter. It is a time of cultural pride and unity.


If we want to translate the terms \"元宵节晚会\" and \"春节联欢晚会\" into English, we can use the following translations:

  1. Lantern Festival party (元宵节晚会)
  2. Spring Festival Gala (春节联欢晚会)

These translations accurately convey the essence of these festive events.