> 文章列表 > 春节打扫房间赚钱吗英文



我们春节前打扫房间8 -ZOL问答






Happy New Year! Spring Festival is a favorite of children a day, I was no exception. This year, during the Spring Festival, my family and I did a lot of interesting things. Firstly, we spent a whole day cleaning and tidying up our house before the festival. It was a tiring but rewarding task, as it made our home look fresh and tidy, ready to welcome the new year.

In addition to cleaning the house, we also prepared a delicious feast for the New Year\'s Eve dinner. We spent hours in the kitchen, cooking various traditional dishes such as dumplings, fish, and glutinous rice cake. It was a fun and unforgettable experience, as we worked together as a family and enjoyed the process of preparing the special meal.

Furthermore, during the Spring Festival, we also visited our relatives and friends, exchanging greetings and blessings. It was a time of reunion and joy, as we caught up with each other\'s lives and shared laughter and happiness. We also received red envelopes, which symbolize good luck and blessings, from our elders. It was a pleasant surprise and added to the festive atmosphere.

In summary, during the Spring Festival, we not only cleaned the house and cooked a delicious New Year\'s Eve dinner, but also enjoyed the warmth of family and the joy of reunion. It was a memorable and fulfilling time for us.

Spring Festival是什么意思

Spring Festival是中国传统节日——春节的英文名称。它作为名词使用,表示中国的春节。在英语中,一般还需在前面加上定冠词“the”,即\"The Spring Festival\",以表示特定的中国春节。

中国的Spring Festival是一个伴随着热闹庆祝活动的重要节日。它通常在农历的正月初一,也就是公历的1月或2月份。这段时间,人们会放鞭炮、舞龙舞狮、观赏花灯等,庆祝新年的到来。

据了解,Spring Festival在中国是一年中最重要、最盛大的节日之一。它代表了新的开始和希望,同时也是人们团聚、互相祝福的时刻。无论是在中国还是全球范围内,Spring Festival都具有特殊的文化意义和象征价值。

【大家在春节时做些什么? 例: People have dumplings. People get...

Chinese Spring Festival is celebrated with a variety of customs and traditions. People have different ways of celebrating this festive occasion. For example, one popular tradition is to have a big family reunion dinner on the New Year\'s Eve, where family members gather together and enjoy a feast cooked with love. It is a time for sharing blessings and expressing gratitude.

Another common activity during the Spring Festival is to give and receive red envelopes, also known as \"hongbao\" in Chinese. These red envelopes are typically filled with money and are given to children and unmarried individuals as a symbol of good luck and blessings for the coming year. It adds excitement and joy to the festival, especially for the younger generation.

In addition, people also like to decorate their homes with red lanterns, couplets, and other auspicious decorations. The color red is regarded as a symbol of good luck and fortune. People believe that by decorating their homes with red, they can attract positive energy and ward off evil spirits during the festival.

Furthermore, many people travel to various tourist destinations during the Spring Festival holidays. It is considered a good time to relax, have fun, and explore new places with family and friends. This has become a popular trend in recent years, as more and more people are choosing to spend their holidays in a joyful and memorable way.

In summary, during the Spring Festival, people engage in various activities such as having family reunion dinners, giving and receiving red envelopes, decorating their homes, and traveling. These customs and traditions not only bring people closer together but also add to the festive atmosphere of the Spring Festival.


1. I have been cleaning the room for an hour, but the room is too big. I still haven\'t finished. Cleaning such a large room can be quite challenging and time-consuming. However, it\'s important to maintain cleanliness and tidiness to create a comfortable living environment. So, I will continue cleaning until the task is completed.

2. On the eve of the Spring Festival, my family and I gathered together to clean the house. The task seemed never-ending as we had to clean every nook and cranny. However, the satisfaction of seeing a sparkling clean room kept us motivated. Despite the fatigue, we knew that a clean house would bring good luck and positive energy for the coming year. So, we carried on with the cleaning, knowing that our efforts would be rewarded.


Year is a countable noun. In English, year refers to a period of time that is approximately 365 days long, and it is often used in the context of the calendar year or an annual time frame. For example, \"I have been studying English for two years\" means that the person has been studying English for two calendar years.

However, year can also be used as a non-countable noun when it refers to a general concept of time or a specific period without specifying the number of years. For example, \"Time flies so fast, and soon another year will pass\" indicates the passing of time without a specific count of how many years have passed.

In conclusion, year can be both countable and non-countable depending on the context in which it is used. It is important to consider the specific meaning and usage when determining whether year is countable or uncountable in a particular sentence.


Not only is Spring Festival a vibrant and lively holiday, but I can also receive red envelopes. Spring Festival is one of the most significant and festive holidays in China. During this time, people celebrate with various cultural activities such as dragon dances, lion dances, and fireworks. The atmosphere is filled with joy and excitement, making it a memorable and enjoyable experience for everyone.

Additionally, one of the highlights of Spring Festival is the tradition of receiving red envelopes, also known as \"hongbao.\" These red envelopes typically contain money and are given as gifts to children and unmarried individuals. It symbolizes good luck, fortune, and blessings for the coming year. Receiving red envelopes brings not only monetary benefits but also a sense of happiness and warmth during the festival.

【年夜饭用英语怎么说? 因为,英语手抄报上写了新年要做一两件...

年夜饭可以用英文表达为\"The New Year\'s Eve dinner\"。这是在中国春节的前夕举行的一顿丰盛晚餐。这顿晚餐具有特殊的意义,代表了辞旧迎新、家人团聚的重要时刻。


1. Set New Year\'s resolutions: New Year is a time for reflection and setting goals. It\'s a good opportunity to think about what you want to achieve in the coming year and make resolutions. Whether it\'s improving your health, learning a new skill, or spending more time with family and friends, setting resolutions can help guide and motivate you throughout the year.

2. Watch the Spring Festival Gala: On New Year\'s Eve, there is a traditional TV program called the Spring Festival Gala, which is watched by millions of Chinese people. It features various performances, skits, and music, showcasing the diversity and vibrancy of Chinese culture. Watching the Spring Festival Gala has become a popular way to welcome the new year and enjoy a night of entertainment with family and friends.

In conclusion, the New Year\'s Eve dinner, along with setting resolutions and watching the Spring Festival Gala, are important activities during the New Year period. They represent traditions, aspirations, and celebrations that bring joy and happiness to people\'s lives.

【麻烦把这两句话翻成英文 1. 春节是家人团聚的日子,压轴戏是舞龙舞狮表演。...

1. Spring Festival is a time for family reunion, and its grand finale is the performance of dragon and lion dances. This festive occasion brings together families and loved ones to celebrate and enjoy the vibrant cultural performances. The dragon and lion dances are the highlight of the celebration, with their colorful costumes, impressive choreography, and rhythmic music creating an atmosphere of joy and excitement.

2. During the Spring Festival, people exchange greetings, visit friends and relatives, and enjoy delicious food together. The festive atmosphere is filled with laughter, happiness, and the warmth of family bonds. Traditional customs such as giving and receiving red envelopes, lighting firecrackers, and enjoying special New Year\'s dishes add to the excitement and auspiciousness of the occasion.


During the Spring Festival, we can receive red envelopes when we pay New Year visits, gather with family and friends to enjoy delicious food, and even participate in various cultural activities and performances. It is a time filled with blessings, gatherings, and festivities.

The custom of giving and receiving red envelopes during New Year visits is a symbol of good fortune and blessings. It is a way to show love and care for one another, as well as to share joy and happiness. Moreover, the opportunity to gather with relatives and friends provides a chance to strengthen relationships, share stories, and create lasting memories.

In addition to the joy of receiving red envelopes and spending quality time with loved ones, the Spring Festival also offers a variety of cultural activities and performances. From dragon and lion dances to traditional music and dance performances, these cultural events not only entertain but also showcase the rich heritage and traditions of the Chinese culture.

In summary, the Spring Festival is a time of celebration and togetherness. It brings joy, blessings, and the opportunity to connect with loved ones, indulge in delicious food, and experience the vibrant cultural traditions of China.